Mountain - Mississippi Queen / Muntanya - Reina del Mississipi
Mississippi Queen, If you know what I mean / Reina de Mississipi, si tu saps el que jo significo
Mississippi Queen, She taught me everything / Reina del Missispi, ella m'ho ha ensenyat tot
Way down around Vicksburg, Around Louisiana way / Camí avall al voltant de Vicksburg, al voltant del camí de Lousiana
Lived a cajun lady, we called her Mississippi Queen / Vivia a cajun lady, nosaltres li deiem Reina del Mississipi
You know she was a dancer / Tu saps que ella era una ballarina
She moved better on wine / Ella es movia millor al vi
While the rest of them dudes were'a gettin' their kicks, / Mentre la resta d'ells dubtaben estaven reben puntades de peu
Buddy, beg your pardon, I was getting mine! / Cos,et demano perdó, m'estava posant la meva!
Mississippi Queen, If you know what I mean / Reina del Mississpi, si tu saps que vull dir
Mississippi Queen, She taught me everything / Reina del Mississpi, ella m'ha ensenyat tot el que se
This lady she asked me, If I would be her man / Aquesta dama em va preguntar, si volia ser el seu home
You know that I told her, I'd do what I can / Tu saps el que li vaig dir, jo faig el que puc
To keep her looking pretty / Per mantenir el seu aspecte maco
Buy her dresses that shine / Compra a ella uns vestis que brillen
While the rest of them dudes were making their bread / Mentre la resta d'ells dubtaven estaven fent pa
Buddy, beg your pardon, I was losing mine! / Cos, et demano perdo, m'estava posant la meva
You know she was a dancer / Tu saps que ella era ballarina
She moved better on wine / Ella es movia molt bé al vi
While the rest of them dudes were'a gettin' their kicks, / Mentre la resta d'ells dubten estaven reben patades
Brotha, beg your pardon, now I'm getting mine!/ Germà, et demano perdò, m'estava posant la meva
Ohhhh, Mississippi Queen / Ohhhh, Reina del Mississipi
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Drawing Programs
A part of my favourite programms (1st post of My World), in the TV, have other types of TV shows. This typs are the programs drawed. My favourite program drawed it's The Simpson.
The Simpson represents a typical amercian family. This famaily it's compoused by a family man, called Homer, his wife, Marge and tree children Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
Another drawing program that like me more is Family Man or Padre de Familia. This is similiar a The Simpson: a family man, Peter, his wife, Lois and three children Chris, Meg and Steewie. In Family Man, have one talking dog, called Brian.
The Simpson represents a typical amercian family. This famaily it's compoused by a family man, called Homer, his wife, Marge and tree children Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
Another drawing program that like me more is Family Man or Padre de Familia. This is similiar a The Simpson: a family man, Peter, his wife, Lois and three children Chris, Meg and Steewie. In Family Man, have one talking dog, called Brian.
An idol: Lazlo Nagy
One of my idols is Lazlo Nagy. He's one side of handball and he plays with Barça Borges. He borned in Hungary in 1981. He won with Barça Borges,3 Liga ASOBAL, 1 Cup of Europe of Handball, 2 Supercups of Europe, 4 Supercups of Spain, 2 Cups of King,1 Cup EHF and 2 Cups ASOBAL. He's titles indivialties are 2 Best Right Side of Liga ASOBAL and top scorer of Supercup of Spain A part of playing with Barcelona he plays with the selection of his country, Hungry. In this selection, he is the capitain. In Barça Borges, Lazlo it's the number 19.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009
My dog
I have got a dog, he's name is Kiro. He 's age is the 2 years. He's really amourosous and crazy. I adopted he when he had 6 months. WHen I or my parents are arriving in my house, my dog starts running aroung the house: up stairs, up on the sofas, run a little fast in a corridor etc. but when we are in the house during a while the dog subsides and he sit down in a carpet. When we are eating, erverytime, he's with we, trying to give he food.

Formula 1!
One of sports that I like is Formula 1. This sport consists of race with race cars. Some of emblematic teams are Ferrari, McLaren and Williams. The Formula 1 was created in 1950 and only one spanish dirver has won this competition: Fernando Alonso. The races of Formula 1 it's no racing every time in one contry, one race is in one country. Actually, the force champion is the british Jenson Button, driver of McLaren (in the season 2009, when he won, was driver of Brawn GP) The best driver of this sport was Michael Shumacher, seven-time winner of Formula 1.

Jenson Button, on a Brawn Gp in the season 2009

Jenson Button, on a Brawn Gp in the season 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
Horror Story
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Horror Story
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Email Presentation
Hi Sonia!
My name is Guillem and I live in Empuriabrava. My favourite sport is handball. I play handball with the Castello's team, the Esplais. I play the guitar and I live with a dog.
I think that English can help me in the future because this lenguage is the lenguage more international. This lenguage can help me to find some job too. The listenings are the part of English that like me more, because is the part more easy and I think that listening can help me for the pronunciation. The writtings are the part that don't like beacuse, when we are writting everytime are we thinking in the present perfect, past simple, present simple etc.
Afer 4th ESO I will continue studing. I would like study something about Georaphyh or History because this subjects like me. For me this subjects are the funniest and the easiest.
I hope you like this presentation,
My name is Guillem and I live in Empuriabrava. My favourite sport is handball. I play handball with the Castello's team, the Esplais. I play the guitar and I live with a dog.
I think that English can help me in the future because this lenguage is the lenguage more international. This lenguage can help me to find some job too. The listenings are the part of English that like me more, because is the part more easy and I think that listening can help me for the pronunciation. The writtings are the part that don't like beacuse, when we are writting everytime are we thinking in the present perfect, past simple, present simple etc.
Afer 4th ESO I will continue studing. I would like study something about Georaphyh or History because this subjects like me. For me this subjects are the funniest and the easiest.
I hope you like this presentation,
Guillem Mancilla 4th B
My handball teams
I play with one team of handball. This teams the Esplais of Castelló. I play with boys of 14, 15 and 16 years old. This group of boys are the 'cadets'. My team, Club Handball Esplais, has merged with a new team of handball of Empordà, Club Juventut Roses. In Roses play some players of Castelló and some players of Roses. The age of this players are 17 and 18 so I don't play with they but as people lack and a lot of they are rookies I play with Roses too. Summarizing, I play with Esplais Castello (with boys in 14,15,16 years old) and Club Juventut Roses (with boys in 17, 18 years old).
A day of my life
I get up at 6.50 am and I get show. At 7.10 I dress. After that I have to brekfast. At 7.30 I go to the Stop Bus. At 7.55 I arrive at the school and I do class. Between 8.00 am and 10.00 am I doing class. At 10.30 I do class. At 13.25 I have lunch and at 14.25 I go to class. At 16.25 I finish the classes and I go to my house by bus. Mondays, Tuesdays and Wendensdays I go to trainning with my handball team. At 9.00 pm I have dinner and at 10.30 I go to bed.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Song I like (II)
Forghat - Slow ride
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy, / Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma - Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy. / Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma - Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma
I'm in the mood, the rhythm is right, / Estic d'humor, el ritme es el correcte
Move to the music, we can roll all night. / La musica ens mou, podem rodar tota la nit
Oooh, oooh, slow ride - oooh, oooh ... / Oooh, oooh, camí lent - oooh...
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy / Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma - Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma
Slow down, go down, got to get your lovin' one more time / Ves més lent, ves avall, he d'aconseguir el teu amor una vegada més
Hold me, roll me, slow ridin' woman you're so fine / Agàfa'm, gira'm, dona "slow riding" estas tan bé
{Rod and Dave riffs}
I'm in the mood, the rhythm is right, / Estic d'humor, el ritme es bo
Move to the music yea, we can roll all night, yea. / Moguts per la música, yeah, podem rodar tota la nit, yeah
Oooh, oooh ... / Oooh, oooh...
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy / Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma - Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma
Slow down, go down, got to get your lovin' one more time / Ves mes lent, mes avall, he d'aconseguir el teu amor un cop més
Hold me, roll me, slow ridin' woman you're so fine / Agafa'm, gira'm dona "slow riding" estas tan be
{Rod - Solo with:-}
(Slow ride, easy, slow ride, sleazy - Slow ride, easy, slow ride, sleazy) / (Camí lent, fàcil, cami lent, adormidor)
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy, / Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma - Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy. / Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma - Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma
I'm in the mood, the rhythm is right, / Estic d'humor, el ritme es el correcte
Move to the music, we can roll all night. / La musica ens mou, podem rodar tota la nit
Oooh, oooh, slow ride - oooh, oooh ... / Oooh, oooh, camí lent - oooh...
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy / Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma - Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma
Slow down, go down, got to get your lovin' one more time / Ves més lent, ves avall, he d'aconseguir el teu amor una vegada més
Hold me, roll me, slow ridin' woman you're so fine / Agàfa'm, gira'm, dona "slow riding" estas tan bé
{Rod and Dave riffs}
I'm in the mood, the rhythm is right, / Estic d'humor, el ritme es bo
Move to the music yea, we can roll all night, yea. / Moguts per la música, yeah, podem rodar tota la nit, yeah
Oooh, oooh ... / Oooh, oooh...
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy / Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma - Camí lent pren't-ho amb calma
Slow down, go down, got to get your lovin' one more time / Ves mes lent, mes avall, he d'aconseguir el teu amor un cop més
Hold me, roll me, slow ridin' woman you're so fine / Agafa'm, gira'm dona "slow riding" estas tan be
{Rod - Solo with:-}
(Slow ride, easy, slow ride, sleazy - Slow ride, easy, slow ride, sleazy) / (Camí lent, fàcil, cami lent, adormidor)
Sentences about experience in life
My Experience
Good Experiences
I travelled to Madrid and I have seen the Santiago Bernabeu, the Cibeles, the Towers Kia etc.
I have adopted my dog. It's name is Kiro and he's two years.
Bad Experience
I have been stuck in a toilet
I have been stuck in a toilet
Classmate Experience
Julian has found 50 euros
Guillermo has seen the Santiago Bernabeu
Quim has travelled to Paris
My TV and radio programms favourites
A thing that I do for entertain is see the TV and listen de radio.
My favourites TV programmes are APM? (Alguna Pregunta Més? or in english, Some Question More?), Crackóvia and El intermedio
All this programs, have one thing in common: all programs are make laugh.
This program is one zapping program but is a diferent zapping program because when pick videos of the other channels, beetween they, have some parts of other things. For example:
video link
This program imite celebrities of the sport. FC. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Pau Gasol, Rafa Nadal and more. Also imite jourlaists of sport as Lluís Canut.
El Intermedio
This program, talks about things of actuality but talking sarcastically. El Intermedio is similar to a TV news but in this program you laugh. In this TV program appear videos retouched.
video link
My favourites TV programmes are APM? (Alguna Pregunta Més? or in english, Some Question More?), Crackóvia and El intermedio
All this programs, have one thing in common: all programs are make laugh.
This program is one zapping program but is a diferent zapping program because when pick videos of the other channels, beetween they, have some parts of other things. For example:
video link
This program imite celebrities of the sport. FC. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Pau Gasol, Rafa Nadal and more. Also imite jourlaists of sport as Lluís Canut.
El Intermedio
This program, talks about things of actuality but talking sarcastically. El Intermedio is similar to a TV news but in this program you laugh. In this TV program appear videos retouched.
video link
Monday, 9 November 2009
The Berlin Wall
1. When was the wall built? The wall was built in 1961
2. Why was the wall built? Because there was an anger between the two Germanies; which did blame one to another for the surrender of their country, and that's why they decided to build up a wall.
3. How long was the wall? (Find a map) The wall was 96 miles long which are 154 km aprox.

4. What do we celebrate on the 8th November 2009? The 20th birthday of the wall's fall.
5. What is the present situation of this wall? The wall doesn't actually exist, but somepeople try to sell some of the wall's chunks
6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, Physically or mentally? Justify your answer with information, news, pictures, videos etc
The Great Wall of China
This wall is the longest wall of history. This wall, was bulit between 220 - 206 BC by the first emperator of China, Qin Shi Huang. The long of this wall is beteewen 6400 - 7300 km. The Great Wall of China was built because China wanted defend of attacks of their enemies.

2. Why was the wall built? Because there was an anger between the two Germanies; which did blame one to another for the surrender of their country, and that's why they decided to build up a wall.
3. How long was the wall? (Find a map) The wall was 96 miles long which are 154 km aprox.

4. What do we celebrate on the 8th November 2009? The 20th birthday of the wall's fall.
5. What is the present situation of this wall? The wall doesn't actually exist, but somepeople try to sell some of the wall's chunks
6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, Physically or mentally? Justify your answer with information, news, pictures, videos etc
The Great Wall of China
This wall is the longest wall of history. This wall, was bulit between 220 - 206 BC by the first emperator of China, Qin Shi Huang. The long of this wall is beteewen 6400 - 7300 km. The Great Wall of China was built because China wanted defend of attacks of their enemies.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009
A song
Bon Jovi - It's my life
This ain't a song for the brokenhearted / Aquesta no es cançó per a cors trencats
No silent prayer for the faith departed / No cap pregaria silencioca pels creients
And I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd / I jo no seré una cara en la mulitut
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud / Tu sentirás la meva veu quan ho cridi en veu alta
It's my life / És la meva vida
It's now or never / És ara o mai
I ain't gonna live forever / jo no viuré per sempre
I just wanna live while I'm alive / només vull viure quan estigui viu
(It's my life) / (És la meva vida)
My heart is like an open highway / El meu cor està obrint una autopísta
Like Frankie* said, "I did it my way" / Com va dir en Frankie*, "Ho vaig fer a la meva manera"
I just wanna live while I'm alive / només vull viure que sigui viu
'Cause it's my life / Perqué es la meva vida
This is for the ones who stood their ground / Aixó és pels que es van quedar als seus lloc
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down / Per en Tommy i la Gina que mai van retrocedir
Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake / Demá es més díficil, no s'equivoquen
Luck ain't even lucky, gotta make your own breaks / La sort no és sort, has de seguir les teves pautes
It's my life / És la meva vida
And it's now or never / I es ara o mai
I ain't gonna live forever / Jo no viure per sempre
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
(It's my life) / És la meva vida
My heart is like an open highway / El meu cor está obrint una autopista
Like Frankie* said, "I did it my way" / Com en va dir en Frankie*: "Ho vaig fer a la meva manera"
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan estigui viu
'Cause it's my life / Perqué és la meva vida
You better stand tall /Es millor que estiguis de peu
When they're calling you out / Quan ells et truquin
Don't bend, don't break / No et doblgeguis, no et tenquis
Baby, don't back down / Nena, no t'aturis
It's my life / És la meva vida
It's now or never / És ara o mai
'Cause I ain't gonna live foreve / Perqué jo no viure per sempre
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
(It's my life)/ (És la meva vida)
My heart is like an open highway / El meu cor está obrint una autopista
Like Frankie* said, "I did it my way" / Com va dir en Frankie*, "Ho vaig fer a la meva manera"
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
(It's my life) / És la meva vida
And it's now or never / És ara o mai
I ain't gonna live forever / No viuré per sempre
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
(It's my life) / És la meva vida
My heart is like an open highway / El meu cor está obrint una autopista
Like Frankie* said, "I did it my way" / Com en Frankie* va dir: "Ho vaig fer a la meva manera"
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
'Cause it's my life! / Perqué es la meva vida
* Frankie is Frank Siantra and he's song: "My way"
* Frankie és Frank Sinatra i la seva cançó "My way" (La meva manera)
This ain't a song for the brokenhearted / Aquesta no es cançó per a cors trencats
No silent prayer for the faith departed / No cap pregaria silencioca pels creients
And I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd / I jo no seré una cara en la mulitut
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud / Tu sentirás la meva veu quan ho cridi en veu alta
It's my life / És la meva vida
It's now or never / És ara o mai
I ain't gonna live forever / jo no viuré per sempre
I just wanna live while I'm alive / només vull viure quan estigui viu
(It's my life) / (És la meva vida)
My heart is like an open highway / El meu cor està obrint una autopísta
Like Frankie* said, "I did it my way" / Com va dir en Frankie*, "Ho vaig fer a la meva manera"
I just wanna live while I'm alive / només vull viure que sigui viu
'Cause it's my life / Perqué es la meva vida
This is for the ones who stood their ground / Aixó és pels que es van quedar als seus lloc
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down / Per en Tommy i la Gina que mai van retrocedir
Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake / Demá es més díficil, no s'equivoquen
Luck ain't even lucky, gotta make your own breaks / La sort no és sort, has de seguir les teves pautes
It's my life / És la meva vida
And it's now or never / I es ara o mai
I ain't gonna live forever / Jo no viure per sempre
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
(It's my life) / És la meva vida
My heart is like an open highway / El meu cor está obrint una autopista
Like Frankie* said, "I did it my way" / Com en va dir en Frankie*: "Ho vaig fer a la meva manera"
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan estigui viu
'Cause it's my life / Perqué és la meva vida
You better stand tall /Es millor que estiguis de peu
When they're calling you out / Quan ells et truquin
Don't bend, don't break / No et doblgeguis, no et tenquis
Baby, don't back down / Nena, no t'aturis
It's my life / És la meva vida
It's now or never / És ara o mai
'Cause I ain't gonna live foreve / Perqué jo no viure per sempre
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
(It's my life)/ (És la meva vida)
My heart is like an open highway / El meu cor está obrint una autopista
Like Frankie* said, "I did it my way" / Com va dir en Frankie*, "Ho vaig fer a la meva manera"
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
(It's my life) / És la meva vida
And it's now or never / És ara o mai
I ain't gonna live forever / No viuré per sempre
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
(It's my life) / És la meva vida
My heart is like an open highway / El meu cor está obrint una autopista
Like Frankie* said, "I did it my way" / Com en Frankie* va dir: "Ho vaig fer a la meva manera"
I just wanna live while I'm alive / Només vull viure quan sigui viu
'Cause it's my life! / Perqué es la meva vida
* Frankie is Frank Siantra and he's song: "My way"
* Frankie és Frank Sinatra i la seva cançó "My way" (La meva manera)
Me in pictures

I like dogs because they are faithful and they are very friendly. When they are young they are playful.

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About me

- Guillem
- Hi! I live in Empuriabrava and I go to 2nd Batxillerat on IES Castelló d'Empúries. I love handball, play Playstation's games and talk about social problems.