With 4 ESO, I went to Italy! Was a great experience because I wanted go to Italy and becase never I have exit of Spain for go on holiday (sometimes I went to Perpinyà or Carcssone but this are little exursions).
In this travel, first we went to airport of Girona. There we up to airplane for go to Milano, Italy. At 8.30am we arrived to Milano. In the airport of Milano, a bus waited we for go to Pisa. This travel was very boring becase was 4 hours in the bus.
When we arrived to Pisa we walked a little for go to the Duomo of Pisa. When we arraved we saw the Baptisterio, the Campanile (or Tower of Pisa), the cementery and the Duomo. In this photo we can see (from right to left) the Baptisterio, the Duomo and the Tower of Pisa.
The students can up on the Tower so I up on the Campanile with Sonia and other students. In this photo you can see me with Maria, Víctor and Manel (4th A)
After that Pisa we go to Montecatini, the place where is our hotel, the Hotel Miramonte.
The next day we go to Florence. For me Florence was funnier than Pisa beacasue Florence is bigger than Pisa. In Florence we saw the Duomo and we up on the Duomo. We could saw all Florence was a really great experience. The Duomo of Florence was one of my favourites things
of this trip.
In this photo you can see me in the Duomo of Florence. This place, the Duomo, is the highest bulding of all Florence so in Duomo you can see all Florence.
The next day we go to Siena. Siena is a little city of Toscany. There we saw the Cathedral of Siena and the Piazza del Campo. The Cathedral is very big, is spectacular. The Catherdal of Siena is a gothic Cathedral: very big and high, with statues and big windows. In the afternoon we go to Rome, the eternal city. We had dinner in a resturant of Rome and we went to see Rome in night: Fontana di Trevi, Piazza Nabone, Piazza Spagna etc.
In this photo you can see Fontana di Trevi on n
The next day we went to Colosseo. This place is a theatre of the Roman Empire so the Colosseo have got a lot of centaur
In this photo you can see me on Colosseo
In the afternoon we went to Bocca della Verita' and after we went to hotel
The final day on Italy we went to visit the Vatican and the Piazza San Pietro. Some students wanted went to see the Museo of Vatican so Isabel and Lourdes went with we for in to de museum. When we finish to saw the Vatican we went to bought some food for the ship. At 8.15 pm we said bye to Italy. The next day at 9.05pm we arrive to IES Castelló d'Empúries